is the first part of the bench work in phase three. This
area will be D.C. Trueman Lumber and will be accessed from the Truro
track. I only painted to below the benchwork to make finding
studs easier. The pipe to the right is now coming from below.
is the connection between phase 1 and 3. The track in the
back will be the line to Truro the pink foam on the left will hold the
track to Sydney. Sydney will be 2 inches higher than Truro in
is the first section of staging that Matt Kydd helped me build
is a view of all the staging benchwork. It is a hard angle to get
a picture of.
is the benchwork that Robert Peck helped me build that connects to the
staging over the sink and water softener. The next day my plumber
came by and re-arranged the piping so that it is all in one corner and
comes up from below.
a view of the connection to phase 1.
it is with the foam painted, the fascia on and painted and the risers
for the Sydney track put in place to give a sense of how it will
look. The risers are not bent or glued yet. The Truro
section will come underneath the risers and be at the same level as the
shot to show the connection from phase 1 to phase 3.
the foreground is the benchwork over the sink and plumbing. The
back ground is staging. Sydney is 2 inches higher than
Truro. There should be enough room for and 18 car train with 1978
era rolling stock.
end of the staging yard.
is the view from staging across the plumbing / sink. Notice that
the water softener comes through the benchwork. A building or
other removable scenery will cover this.
is a view of all the plumbing changes to allow for the benchwork to go
in with all the piping in the corner or below.
closer view of the benchwork across the sink. Note that behind the
white risers will be a storage track representing staging for the NFLD
ferry. I |